Archive For ps4 Tag

DICE: Mirror’s Edge 2 Will ‘Remove Frustration’

DICE: Mirror’s Edge 2 Will ‘Remove Frustration’

'We want to remove the frustration that was in the first game.'

Check Out This New Kingdom Under Fire 2 PS4 Trailer

Check Out This New Kingdom Under Fire 2 PS4 Trailer

This is my kingdom come.

Far Cry 4 New Gameplay Incoming Later Today

Far Cry 4 New Gameplay Incoming Later Today

Two 30 minute gameplay sessions incoming.

Assassin’s Creed Unity Co-op Required Retooling of Ubisoft’s Sandbox Features

Assassin’s Creed Unity Co-op Required Retooling of Ubisoft’s Sandbox Features

This was to allow for a shared online experience.

Assassin’s Creed Unity: Ubisoft “Very Confident” of PC Version Arriving on Time

Assassin’s Creed Unity: Ubisoft “Very Confident” of PC Version Arriving on Time

Producer Lesley Phord-Toy says it will still be challenging though.

Sky Go Price on Xbox 360 Rises

Sky Go Price on Xbox 360 Rises

By £5.

Resogun Receiving Local Co-op Multiplayer and Ship Editor

Resogun Receiving Local Co-op Multiplayer and Ship Editor

Leaderboard reset also incoming. Be afraid.

How Sony Should Have Set Subscription Prices For PlayStation Now

How Sony Should Have Set Subscription Prices For PlayStation Now

And surprise! It's a better deal than the current rental deal.

Are These PS4 and Xbox One Exclusive Features for The Witcher 3?

Are These PS4 and Xbox One Exclusive Features for The Witcher 3?

Exclusive features for PS4 and Xbox One leaked; surprisingly, Xbox One features seem to be better.

The Elder Scrolls Online Devs Faced No Issues Due To Slower PS4/Xbox One Clock Speeds

The Elder Scrolls Online Devs Faced No Issues Due To Slower PS4/Xbox One Clock Speeds

The transition has been pretty good.

The Elder Scrolls Online Interview: ‘Business Model Is What The Business Model Is’

The Elder Scrolls Online Interview: ‘Business Model Is What The Business Model Is’

Creative director Paul D. Sage discusses monthly subscription, PS4 and Xbox One versions, and just about everything that is Elder Scrolls Online.

Battlefield: Hardline Doesn’t Signal Annualization of Series

Battlefield: Hardline Doesn’t Signal Annualization of Series

Studio GM Karl Magnus-Troedsson says "there's no set rule in place" for the series going annual.

Bloodborne: Debating Innovation and Franchise Building

Bloodborne: Debating Innovation and Franchise Building

How much should From Software change, if anything should change at all?

Sniper Elite 3 on Xbox One Requires 10 GB Day One Patch

Sniper Elite 3 on Xbox One Requires 10 GB Day One Patch

Will reportedly reduce the overall install size and ensure smaller patches in the future.

The Last of Us Remastered Officially Priced at $50, Refunds Imminent

The Last of Us Remastered Officially Priced at $50, Refunds Imminent

If you've pre-ordered the game online, you can expect to have your $10 refunded.

Without Memory Interview: All You Want To Know About This Little Known PS4 Exclusive

Without Memory Interview: All You Want To Know About This Little Known PS4 Exclusive

GamingBolt speaks to Dinosaurum Games' founder Arkadiy Kulikov about the upcoming thriller.

Batman: Arkham Knight Releasing on February 24th 2015 According to Microsoft Store

Batman: Arkham Knight Releasing on February 24th 2015 According to Microsoft Store

Microsoft lets the cat out of the bag.

Grand Theft Auto 5 PS3 Versus PS4 Comparison Shows Wealth of Upgrades
Final Fantasy 15: Yebis 2 “Only” Used in E3 Trailer, Further Usage Uncertain

Final Fantasy 15: Yebis 2 “Only” Used in E3 Trailer, Further Usage Uncertain

The post processing effects middleware engine hasn't been used for the full game it seems.

Yebis 2 Uses Xbox One eSRAM For Buffer, PS4 Unified Architecture Irrelevant Since Yebis Is GPU-Based

Yebis 2 Uses Xbox One eSRAM For Buffer, PS4 Unified Architecture Irrelevant Since Yebis Is GPU-Based

Yebis's Lead Architect Masaki Kawase talks about taking advantage of the latest consoles.