Comedy Gold and Keith David still don't offer enough for people to buy this game a second time.
Read our final verdict on the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Saints Row IV: Re-Elected.
Travel to Hell as Johnny Gat (in glorious 60 FPS of course).
Discounts on both the original game and Game of the Century Edition also revealed.
Also hypes up Saints Row IV: Re-elected.
Go to Hell as Gat but in the meantime, find out who voices Gat.
Get it for free, keep it forever.
Swear at the game to perform taunts. Neat!
Go to hell, Satan.
Make your own weapons from a variety of tools and available templates.
Includes "full-blown musical number".
Creative director Steve Jaros says criticism of the Saints Row series for its portrayal of women is justified.
Shoot the devil in the face to rescue the President.
Ghosts/demons in the next Saints Row?
Volition is looking to expand significantly in the city of Champaign.
Contains all previously released DLC and additional content.
Two amazing titles on offer for Xbox 360 this May.
The definitive, collected packs for both games are apparently on their way.