Scrapped due to time constraints sadly.
Keeping it classy as always, Volition.
Aubrey Norris says it wasn't easy convincing people that SRIV was a brand new entry.
The Saints fend off heavyweight competition again.
Meanwhile, Lost Planet 3 and Killer is Dead collapse in their opening weeks.
The Saints take over the UK.
A complete video walkthrough for Saints Row IV
Regardless, Deep Silver is still excited in what the PS4 and Xbox One have to offer.
Aka "Holy sh*t, it costs a million dollars?".
Due to difference in content, you won't be able to play with anyone outside of Australia.
Essentially no more drugged out Shaundi.
Saints Row IV cover revealed
Dubstep guns and dancing mechs? Yes please.
All the information you may need about Saints Row 4.
Considers the last game a "set-back" rather than a disappointment.
Uncle Sam wants you to join the Saints.
Saints Row 4 features Aliens, presidents and stuff like that, and sort of has a silly tone to it. However, it doesn't really affect sales according to senior producer Jim Boon. Cliff Bleszinski was a... Read More
Dragons. With a D.