A move that respected customers.
The cornered beast is often the fiercest...
"There are still going to be places in the world that won't get that streaming because of their internet connections, but might have access to physical."
Update is out later this week.
It could be added later though.
PS4 Pro gets HDR and 4K support, meanwhile.
Xbox One S owners will be able to enjoy the game in glorious HDR.
Including some new colors that look absolutely great.
Phil Spencer gives credit to gamers and Xbox team.
Xbox One S helps propel Microsoft to victory again.
Microsoft joining in on the fun.
PS4 Pro's $399 price tag gives Sony a head start over the Scorpio.
The PS4 Slim isn't all that ugly, and even if it was, it wouldn't matter.
Does announcing a PS4 Slim even make sense with an impending PS4 NEO launch?
Also notes "lot of demand and interest" around Scorpio.
The joys of incremental hardware.
At last, the Xbox One S situation is about to improve in Europe.
No lies, just the facts as they are.
Some good news for Microsoft, at last.
More popular than expected.