Doubling the speed? Not really, according to some developers.
Phil Spencer doesn't believe ID@Xbox is behind in progress though.
Respawn will focus on fixing bugs and implementing improvements in the meantime.
No where to run, Uplay haters.
Yebis 2 looks great.
"We know everything, and we can use it against you."
"We would love to see it," says developer.
Parkour will be contextual like in Assassin's Creed.
Hope you've upgraded your rig recently.
Nancy Tellem finds Microsoft's original content development more focused than Sony's.
One of Spider-Man's most powerful foes debuts.
Xbox One's streaming features continue to pull ahead of the PS4.
That's a hell of a deal.
The upcoming beta will also be Bungie's biggest yet.
That is a Bruce Lee reference, FYI.
This is according to parkour artist Jesse La Flair who apparently worked on the game.
Shadowrun Returns creator and industry veteran talks about today's gaming climate.
Is this the killer title Kinect’s been waiting for?
The "Father of Mixed Martial Arts" steps into the Octagon.