Archive For Xbox Tag

Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 bundle pictured

Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 bundle pictured

Pictures are coming in of the FFXIII 360 bundle. The recently announced console bundle will feature the highly-sought after 250GB hard drive, a personalised faceplate featuring Lightning and a cust... Read More

X10: No plans for 250GB 360 HDD aside from bundles- Greenberg

X10: No plans for 250GB 360 HDD aside from bundles- Greenberg

Speaking yesterday at X10, Product Manager of Xbox Live and Xbox 360 Aaron Greenberg said that the bigger hard drive will be limited exclusively to bundles. We did it with the Modern Warfare bundle... Read More

Datel to sue Microsoft

Datel to sue Microsoft

Datel are a company who specialize in enhancing your gaming experience through making 3rd party products that are typically cheaper than your average first party gear. However, after Microsoft decided... Read More