Yesterday we reported that Techland, the developers of Dying Light, had, in response to Destiny making one of its missions exclusive to Red Bull drinkers (seriously), had humorously posted a tweet in response announcing a ‘partnership with water;’ today, it seems like they will actually make the joke a reality- yesterday, Dying Light playfully encouraged people to drink water in exchange for a free docket code that gives players a high-tier weapon to redeem in-game. The response has apparently been positive enough that they are going through with this.
Today, Techland have announced an extension to the #DrinkForDLC campaign. Techland have decided to release a number of all new DLC packs for Dying Light throughout the second half of the year- for absolutely free. The campaign will be led by the fans reaching successive stretch goals, by posting pictures of themselves drinking water on Twitter and tagging them with #DrinkForDLC.
All in all, I think this is amazing, and also a jab at Destiny and Bungie that is more than well deserved. In case you are interested in actually participating in something like this – which may yet shame the industry to fix its DLC practices before it is too late – you can peruse the stretch goals for the campaign in the image above.
Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information.