Whenever someone makes a “Best PS3 games” list, Uncharted 3 (along with its predecessor) would definitely feature on it. Now, this excellent game has a Game of the Year edition, and here’s the trailer for it.
It highlights some of the best moments from the game, including some great writing by Naughty Dog’s writers.
The Game of the Year Edition of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Fortune includes all the multiplayer DLC packs- 12 maps, forty character skins, co-op adventures and all the new modes that have recently been added on in the MP.
The GOTY Edition is out now and you can purchase ts at any gaming retailing outlet.
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception came out November last year and was met with great critical acclaim and sales everywhere. We gave it a perfect 10/10, calling it “the biggest game of this year” and “one of the best reasons to own a PlayStation 3”. Read our full, in-deapth review here.