Watch Dogs 3 has been one of the most in-demand Ubisoft sequels for a while now (though nothing compared to a new Splinter Cell, of course), and it’s been in the rumour while for a while as well, with the most recent reports claiming that it’ll be set in London, and be out by the end of the year. Certainly, with Ubisoft recently having confirmed that they’ll be launching three as-of-yet unannounced AAA games before the end of the current fiscal year (so by March 2020), Watch Dogs 3 is looking likelier and likelier.
Now, a new “leak” – if it can be called that – has pulled the lid on more new details from the game. Arising as it is on 4chan (via Reddit), it’s best not to put too much faith into it, but there’s some interesting stuff to peruse in here nonetheless. The leak says, in line with earlier information, that the game is going to be set in London- but not contemporary London, and will instead go for a near-future cyberpunk-style setting. Players will play as a young half-Asian-half-English woman named Sarah.
Sarah works for a counterterrorism organization, specializing in cyber attacks, and is put in charge of infiltrating a hacker network, figuring out the people in charge of it, and ultimately bringing them down. The game won’t allow players to use guns and knives and other lethal weapons, and will instead present only non-lethal options, like tasers and batons.
Parkour is also said to be making a return, and is said to be more fluid, while skateboarding and painting graffiti will also supposedly be side activities. Other side missions will include finding and shutting down drug dens, owing to Sarah’s personal dislike for them, what with her brother having died of an overdose. The game will also see mobs forming dynamically and kicking off riots, and players can either choose to stay out of them or take part in them.
Finally, as per the leak, Ubisoft will be revealing Watch Dogs 3 a couple of weeks before E3 (which will likely be followed by a proper blowout at their own press event, if this does turn out to be true), and will be releasing the game in November of this year.
Once again, given the source the leak comes from, it’s best to take this with a grain of salt. There are overlaps with more credible leaks in the past, but then again, that’s a great way to pass off less believable information as more reliable.
That said, it is very likely that Ubisoft reveals Watch Dogs 3 come June- so stay tune, and we’ll keep you updated on any new info that comes our way.