Just like we have brought to you the PSP & DS and PS3 Gift Guides for this holiday season, we present to you our Gift Guide for the Xbox 360. In this article, we will suggest some of the best games, peripherals and other stuff for you to buy this holiday season for your Xbox 360. We hope this article is helpful for you, and do tell us what you bought this holiday season via your comments below!
Mass Effect 2 (Our Score: 10/10)
As we, and so many others, have emphasized countless times before, Mass Effect 2 is not just the best Xbox 360 game to have been released this year, but the probably the best Xbox 360 game of all time. Representing the pinnacle of Role Playing Games, Mass Effect 2, with its polish, perfection, improvements over the original, involving storyline and a great cast of characters, will immerse you immediately. If you, for some inexplicable reason, have not bought Mass Effect 2 in the twelve months since its release, now is the time to make the purchase.
Halo: Reach (Our Score: 10/10)
Halo: Reach has been touted as the best Halo game ever created- ironic, actually, seeing as Halo: Reach is, after all, a spin-off, and not a game in the canon series. But yes, we agree with the fact that Reach is, the best Halo game ever created. With the best multiplayer component ever, adding tons of new features and modes, co-op firefight, improved forge, and most importantly, the best single player campaign in the history of this “haloed” series, Reach is one game everyone should reach out for.
Call of Duty: Black Ops (Our Score: 9.5/10)
Three of GamingBolt’s reviewers had their own individual take on Call of Duty: Black Ops in a combined review (linked above) and the game was met with unanimous appraise by all three of them. There has to be something right about it. Well, of course there is. With the best single player campaign in the series, a solid multiplayer component to boot, and next to no errors to bring the experience down, Call of Duty: Black Ops is probably the best Call of Duty game till date, and something that will make your holiday more enjoyable.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (Our Score: 9.5/10)
Lords of Shadow is, in every sense of the phrase, bang worth the buck. The game features a twenty-five hour long campaign, that is packed with thrilling combat, interesting puzzles, an involving storyline supported by a great cast of characters, and some of the best boss battles we’ve seen in any game in recent memory. While some might say the Lords of Shadow is a rip-off, and derivates hugely from some games, we say it borrows some ideas, and tweaks them to the extent of perfection.
Kinect Adventures (Our Score: 8.5/10)
Of course, only this with a Kinect might want to make this purchase, as it is kind of hard to play this game without Kinect… because it was made exclusively for Kinect. But those with the motion sensing camera sitting in their living rooms should have no doubts when making this purchase. Kinect Sports packs in a hell of a punch, and delivers a solid, enjoyable and replayable experience, far better than any other games that can be played with the Xbox 360’s motion sensing camera.
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (Critic Score Aggregate: 9.5/10)
By far, the best game one can ever come across on Xbox Live. With innumerable new modes, like the addictive Time Attack, over 100 new maps and mazes and the traditional, enjoyable Pac-Man formula, Championship Edition DX is worth the 800 Microsoft Points price tag it carries. Buy the game, and be prepared to dedicate innumerable hours of gameplay, as you once again see the beauty of Pac-Man games.
Red Dead Redemption (Our Score: 8.5/10)
What is most beautiful about Red Dead Redemption is how it perfectly recreates the Wild West at the time it must have been during when the game is taking place. The arid landscapes, the cowboys, the horses… it’s perhaps one of the most atmospheric and authentic games around, and also enjoyable as hell. While RD:R has a few flaws of its own, like a disappointing MP component, its long single player campaign, with a few blemished towards the end, more than make up for the mistakes. If you are ready to overlook a few mistakes in the game, RDR is definitely worth the purchase.