Since announcing it during the Direct presentation in September of last year (which was also the last general Direct, much to the frustration of many), Nintendo haven’t really said much about or shown much from the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition. Though it is scheduled to launch for the Switch some time this year, it doesn’t yet have a concrete release date- but the remaster might be closer to release than many think.
Nintendo recently updated the game’s official page on their website, revealing that it has been officially rated by the ESRB. Though not a dead giveaway, games generally are handed age ratings by boards only when they’re a few months out from launch. Just a few days ago, the game was also rated in South Korea, indicating, yet again, that a launch might be edging closer.
Though an official release date is yet to be revealed, speculation suggests that Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition could launch in May. Two retailer listing leaks back to back have pegged the remaster for a release on May 29.