Another Rockstar IP that has long been in the dark, Agent was announced way back in 2009 as a PS3 exclusive. Agent was going to be set against the backdrop of the Cold War and would focus on tactical espionage and assassinations. With the Houser brothers overlooking the development of the game back in the day, Agent was set to be yet another valuable IP in Rockstar’s offerings of open-world games. However, after more than a decade since its announcement – we haven’t received any new information on the game except a few concept arts here and there from artists who worked on the game. The Agent trademark has also been abandoned by Rockstar at this point, and the game has also been removed from Rockstar’s website. It would be almost foolish to hope that Agent would ever reappear again from the ashes, but it hasn’t been canned in an official capacity – so we’re taking the liberty of putting it here on this list just for the sake of it.