In-Game Help
Considering Sony have already discussed streaming game clips to those who don’t own the game, this was another feature that could lead on from that. Interviews with Sony employees have had them muse on the idea of streaming a game to a friend so he can take over and help you through a tough section of a game. It’s a cool, if somewhat superfluous feature, but the idea of lending games through streaming is an interesting one that seems a logical extension of this notion.
Vita Remote Play
Sony plugged remote play between the PS3 and PSP back in 2006 and, guess what, it was pretty stupid. No features were especially meaningful, and it never quite came to be the portable PS3 gaming we were hoping for. With Gaikai’s streaming knowledge, remote play between PS4 and Vita could be real. The tech is certainly there, so we can only hope the ambition is as well.
PC Game Streaming
Gaikai had managed to secure a lot of leverage with PC developers before they got bought up by Sony, so it wouldn’t be out of the question to see originally PC exclusive titles being available for PS4 via streaming. Mouse and keyboard aside, there would be nothing aside from licensing issues to get in the way and, if these could be overcome, it would open up a world of software for the system. Note, this is more of a dream than a reality.
Subscription Price Models
With games effectively being “loaned” via streaming, new pricing models open up for the PS4. I’m not a big fan of being unable to own any earlier PlayStation titles for the new system, but getting to play a tonne of games on the cheap is something we can all get behind. Similar to the free titles offered with PlayStation Plus subscriptions at the moment. subscribers could be given a selection of titles to stream for free each month/week. Hell yeah for instant gaming without the price.