Fallout 4 is a huge, massive game that can easily gobble up hundreds of hours of your life, in true Bethesda fashion. So obviously, there’s just so much stuff in it that is all too easy to miss, stuff that just escapes notice. The game, like most games of its size and scope, is brimming with tiny little details that just escape our attention while we’re playing the game, things that we just don’t notice. In this feature, we’re going to look at fifteen such mind blowing details. There’s a lot to talk about, so in case we’ve missed anything that you felt was worth mentioning in a feature like this, let us know via your comments. With that out of the way, let’s begin.
One of the things that keeps the air and atmosphere inside a Vault is the air pressure, of course. It’s what keeps the elements and the radiations from the outside world outside, and it’s what lets people survive inside the Vaults for literally decades or centuries. But that’s not just something that Fallout 4 knows on paper, but something it shows as well. When the doors of Vault 111 open for the first time, you can actually see the air rushing outside after becoming depressurized, as stacks of paper fly outside and eventually settle on the soil.