Gears 6
With how Gears 5 ended, it’s somewhat a given that Gears 6 will be coming. In October 2019, art director Aryan Hanbeck mentioned it briefly on the podcast Wassup Conversations, discussing the aesthetics for the TV show The Handmaid’s Tale. He said, “I’ve been telling all the artists non-stop to go watch Handmaid’s Tale… The composition, the colour, and just the cinematography and symbolism is just off the charts. So, I watched that and I’m like, ‘Wow we gotta find a way to get more of this stuff in Gears 6.’” Though the studio’s founder Rod Fergusson jumped ship to Blizzard to work on the Diablo franchise, The Coalition continues to update Gears 5’s multiplayer and has even assisted with Halo Infinite. But that doesn’t mean other projects couldn’t be in the works. All that’s left to do is wait for official confirmation (and then wait some more for a release).