When we think of The Witcher series, it’s always the third game that comes to mind. The awesome side quests, the excellent world building and the memorable storyline helped make The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt one of the best gaming experiences. Of course, we tend to forget some of the more frustrating elements of the series as a result like the difficult bosses that range from easy to sadistic. Let’s a take a look at the 15 toughest bosses in the entire Witcher series.
Imlerith – The Witcher 3
Encountered in the Bald Mountain mission, Imlerith may seem tough with his enormous shield and mace. Fortunately, he’s easy to trap with Yrden and slice away from behind. Bombs like Grapeshot and Samum are also useful, and destroying his Frost Shield isn’t tough either. Take advantage of his slow movement and victory is assured.