Video games don’t always get happy endings. Sometimes, they don’t get any ending as their overall quality feels rushed in some places and incomplete in others. Granted, not every game had the resources or time to assure certain features, much less crucial story elements, were in place.
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
When Hideo Kojima was rumoured to be leaving Konami, there was widespread controversy about the company’s treatment of him and the fate of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. At launch, The Phantom Pain was beloved by critics and generated massive amounts of sales. However, hardcore fans expressed their disdain over the ending and overall story. The biggest evidence of the game’s unfinished state, however, was the missing Chapter 3 and Mission 51. Though the game’s ending was in Mission 46, Mission 51 was included as special non-playable story content…in the collector’s edition. Konami clarified that the content was cancelled before being finished but the sequence of events and their impact on the overall lore left many fans angered. Unfortunately, the game didn’t receive any post-launch DLC either to help patch in the gaps.