2021 was a year of highs and lows, of highly anticipated games being delayed and big names having troubled releases. Many titles like Biomutant may have done well in sales despite poor launches, recouping development costs in the process, while better games fell by the wayside, performing less admirably than we would have liked. Of course, you also have the outright terrible games that simply bombed. Let’s take a look at some of the most commercially underwhelming titles of this year, from the clear-cut flops to the more middling reactions.
Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance
Much has been said about Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance, from its dull combat and story to the multitude of bugs. Even if it didn’t have a huge marketing push leading up to release, it was receiving more than its fair share of hype (not to mention that the Dark Alliance and Dungeons and Dragons names had recognition). Predictably though, its sales were nothing to write home about. It debuted in 23rd place on Gfk Chart-Track’s UK boxed charts but didn’t even receive a mention in The NPD Group’s June 2021 report, failing to even crack the top 20. Whatever deal was made for its Xbox Game Pass release may have helped recoup some revenue. But the sheer lack of sales data from publisher Wizards of the Coast seemingly points to it wanting to forget about this disaster as much as everyone else did.