Google’s new gaming platform may not have turned out to be the fourth console many may have hoped would shake up the market, but that’s no biggie! We still have Atari trying to return to the market they founded with their upcoming console, titled VCS.
The VCS was originally supposed to be out this Summer, after having suffered a plethora of phantom delays. However, now there’s another delay to add to the list—Atari confirmed in a Medium post today that it will be pushing the launch of the platform a bit. However, this delay is for a good cause, because Atari will take this chance to upgrade the system’s specs.
Specifically, the GPU will now be Raedon Vega, there will be two ZEN CPU cores, and the chip fabrication process will move to 14nm. All of this is good news, assuming Atari pulls it off—but given that so far we haven’t even seen a single game running on the system properly, nor any indication of meaningful third party support, even from indie developers, it doesn’t do all that much to allay skepticism.