Learn what goes into making the game.
It's small but shows the devs are paying attention.
New maps and a new zombie mode are incoming
It just happens the event is taking place on the 20th anniversary of Final Fantasy 7.
Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest weapons will make an appearance.
The trailer shows the first glimpse of gameplay.
It will be comparable to previous chapters.
Little Nightmares's Dave Mervik thinks Xbox Scorpio is gonna be good.
Last Stand is launching on the PS4, Xbox One and PC simultaneously on December 20.
This is the final swath of backwards compatible games for the year.
Looks simply amazing.
The support will be coming in 2017.
More additions to the roster.
It's a mashup of two Rockstar worlds.
It took just a week to fix the problem.
This was a closed-door session but hopefully a public one is coming soon.