Baldur’s Gate 3 Guide – Best Cantrips, Feats and Traits

There are numerous Feats, Cantrips and Traits to consider in Larian's RPG. Check out some of the best options available.

Posted By | On 14th, Aug. 2023

Baldur's Gate 3 - Dragonborn

Baldur’s Gate 3 can be daunting, especially if you’re trying to complete every side and companion quest. Even when trying to outfit your character, choosing between the different Traits, Cantrips, Feats, and whatnot is difficult.

While everything has its use, some options are better than others and should be prioritized. Let’s go over the best Cantrips, Feats and Traits.

Best Cantrips

Cantrips are smaller Spells available to various classes, which provide several functions and don’t necessarily require much knowledge in Spellcasting. Check out some of the best options available.

Blade Ward

An Abjuration Cantrip that causes Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing attacks to deal only half damage, which is extremely good when trying to stay alive. It lasts two turns and is available for High Elf, High Half-Elf, Eldritch Knight, Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock, Bard, College of Lore and College of Valour.

Bone Chill

Necromancy Cantrip that stops a target from healing until the next turn while causing Disadvantage on Attack Rolls against the undead. Deals 1d8 Necrotic damage with an 18-meter range and is available to Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, High Elf, High Half-Elf and Eldritch Knight. Whether you’re dealing with targets that heal constantly or undead, it’s a pretty decent pick.

Dancing Lights

It illuminates your surroundings within a nine-meter radius, and given how your accuracy suffers in the darkness, it can be an essential Evocation. Lasts for ten turns and is available for College of Lore, College of Valour, Sorcerer, Wizard and Eldritch Knight (though you can also find it on some items).

Eldritch Blast

Available exclusively for Warlocks, this Evocation creates an energy beam that deals 1d10 Force damage. It has an 18-meter range and requires an Attack Roll, but as you level up, additional beams (one more at level 5 and two more at level 10) are added with separate rolls. Furthermore, you can take advantage of Eldritch Invocations like Agonizing Blast (which adds Charisma as a modifier to the damage) and Repelling Blast (pushes a create 4.5 meters back).


Guidance is essential because of its non-combat properties. It provides a +1d4 bonus to Ability Checks, making it easier to pick locks or probe others’ minds. Available for Cleric (and its subclasses), Druid and Warlock with Pact of the Tome.


Like Dancing Lights, Light can, well, illuminate. The difference is that it infuses a single object with light, which remains until the next Long Rest, which makes it especially good for mele fights. It’s available for Bard, College of Lore, College of Valour, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Elf, Half-Elf and Eldritch Knight.


Increases someone’s defense, adding a +1d4 bonus to Saving Throws. Lasts ten turns and is available for Cleric and Druid, and good when trying to prevent conditions or Spell damage on an ally.


Available to Druids, this Transmutation will add a staff or club, using your Spellcasting Ability for Attack Rolls and dealing 1d8+2 Bludgeoning damage.

Shocking Grasp

An Evocation Cantrip that deals 1d8 Lightning damage and prevents the target from using reactions. It also grants an Advantage against those with metal armor, making it worthwhile against all armored enemies. Available to Eldritch Knight, Sorcerer and Wizard, its only disadvantage is the melee range and lasting for only one turn.


If Intimidation is the name of the game, then Thaumaturgy is worthwhile. It grants an Advantage on Intimidation and Performance checks but is only available to Clerics and Tiefling.

True Strike

Available early on, True Strike is one of those Cantrips you’ll learn to love. It grants an Advantage on your next Attack Roll, lasts for two turns and has a range of 18 meters. Considering it’s available to various classes and subclasses early on, like Bard, College of Lore, College of Valour, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster, Mage Breaker, and more, it’s well worth using whenever possible.

Vicious Mockery

Deals 1d4 Psychic damage and provides a Disadvantage on a target’s next Attack Roll, plus hurling various insults to demoralize enemies is just fun. It requires a Wisdom save and has a range of 18 meters, though lasts for one turn. Available to Bard, College of Lore and College of Valour.

Best Feats

Feats are an essential part of build crafting as they provide extra passive or active Skills, Proficiencies, Ability improvements and more. A Feat is awarded at levels 4, 8 and 12, allowing you to have three at a time (unless multiclassing, which depends on the individual levels of each Class). You must meet the requirement to use a Feat, but they’re otherwise available for all Classes and Races.

Ability Improvements

Available for all classes at level 4, it lets you increase a single ability by two or two Abilities by 1, maxing out at 20. This can mean different things for different Classes depending on your main stat. If you’re a Ranger and Dexterity is your main stat, then Ability Improvements allows for increasing Attack Rolls, Initiative and Armor Class, along with the damage caused by Damage Rolls. Skill Checks are also improved, so you’ll succeed at things like Sleight of Hand better.


Increase your Charisma by 1, maxing out at 20. Available to all Classes at level 4, but benefits those with Charisma as their main stat (like Warlock). It also provides a double Proficiency Bonus on Deception and Performance Checks while providing Proficiency in Deception and Performance.


Available to all classes at level 4, it prevents you from being Surprised, and provides a +5 bonus to Initiative, thus allowing you to act first. Best used on spellcasters to debuff enemies, buff allies and so on before the fighting starts.


Increases Strength or Dexterity by 1, maxing out at 20. Jump distance increases by 50 percent, and you use only 1.5 movement speed to stand up when Prone. Available for all classes at level 4.

Defensive Duelist

This Feat is worth taking if you’re Proficient with Finesse Weapons like Daggers, Scimitars, Shortswords, Darts or Rapiers. It allows for adding a Proficiency bonus to your Armor Class as a reaction. Attacks could thus miss, feeding into that Duelist fantasy. It’s available for all classes at level 4.

Dual Wielder

Available to all classes at level 4, it provides a +1 bonus to Armor Class and lets you dual-wield non-Light weapons (but not Heavy weapons).


Available to all classes at level 4, it increases your Constitution by 1, maxing out at 20. Short Rests will also fully restore your health.

Elemental Adept

Perhaps one of the must-have Feats for a spellcaster, Elemental Adept causes your Spells to ignore Resistance to a chosen damage type (with Acid, Fire, Cold, Lightning and Thunder being the choices). Furthermore, casting a Spell of that type makes it impossible to roll a 1. Available to all classes at level 4.

Great Weapon Master

Available to all classes at level 4, attacks with Heavy melee weapons will deal ten more damage, but you suffer a -5 penalty to Attack Roll (which can be turned on or off). Hitting a Critical or slaying an enemy with melee weapon attacks allows for performing another melee attack as a bonus action for that turn.

Heavily Armored

Available to all classes at level 4 or those with Medium Armor Proficiency, it allows for gaining Proficiency with Heavy Armor. Your Strength also increases by 1 to a max of 20.

Heavy Armor Master

Available to all classes at level 4 and those with Heavy Armor Proficiency, it increases Strength by 1 to a maximum of 20. You also take three less damage from non-magical attacks with Heavy Armor equipped.

Lightly Armored

Gain Proficiency with Light Armor and increase Strength or Dexterity by 1 (maxes out at 20). Available to all classes at level 4.

Mage Slayer

Mages and spellcasters can be some of the most dangerous enemies in a Baldur’s Gate title. Mage Slayer is good because enemies hit will have a Disadvantage on Saving Throws to Concentration (essential for all spellcasters). Also, if a target is within melee range and uses a Spell, you gain an Advantage on any Saving Throw and can immediately attack them as a reaction. Available to all classes at level 4.

Magic Initiate: Bard

Available to all classes at level 4, this allows you to learn two Cantrips and a level 1 Spell from the Bard’s Spell list. Spellcasting ability for all three also depends on Charisma, and you can only cast the Spell once per Long Rest.

Magic Initiate: Cleric

Like the Bard’s version, this lets you learn two Cantrips and a level 1 Spell from the Cleric’s Spell list (which refreshes once per Long Rest). Wisdom is your Spellcasting Ability for all three. Available to all classes at level 4.

Magic Initiate: Druid

Gain two Cantrips and a level 1 Spell from the Druid’s Spell list at level 4, which can be cast once per Long Rest. Spellcasting Ability leverages Wisdom.

Magic Initiate: Sorcerer

Available to all classes at level 4, it allows for learning two Cantrips and a level 1 Spell from the Sorcerer’s Spell list. You can cast the level 1 Spell only once per Long Rest, and Charisma is your Spellcasting Ability for all three.

Magic Initiate: Warlock

Learn two Cantrips and a level 1 Spell (cast once per Long Rest) from Warlock’s Spell list. Spellcasting Ability is based on Charisma. All classes at level 4 can use this.

Magic Initiate: Wizard

Available to all classes at level 4, gain two Cantrips and a level 1 Spell from the Wizard’s Spell list. Spellcasting Ability relies on Intelligence, and the Spell is cast once per Long Rest.

Martial Adept

Learn two maneuvers from the Battle Master sub-class (Riposte and Menacing Strike are recommended0. You get a Superiority Die (which is a d8) to use them and can regain them after a Short or Long Rest. Available to all classes at level 4.


As a Ranger or any long-range fighter, you should take advantage of high ground as much as possible. However, there will be times when enemies will catch you off guard. Sharpshooter is good in that sense since your ranged weapon attacks won’t suffer from high-ground penalties. You also deal an extra ten damage with ranged weapon attacks but suffer a -5 penalty to Attack Rolls with ranged weapons you’re Proficient in. It’s available to all classes at level 4.

Shield Master

When using a Shield, gain +2 to Dexterity Saving Throws. You won’t take any damage when the Saving Throw succeeds and only half damage if it fails. Spells that force the Saving Throw allow a reaction to reduce its effect on you. Available at level 4 to all classes.


Choose three Skills to gain Proficiency in. Available to all classes at level 4.

Spell Sniper

Gain a Cantrip and reduce the number needed for a Critical Hit on attacks by 1 (which can stack). While available to all classes at level 4, you must have the Spellcast ability.

Tavern Brawler

The Strength modifier is added twice to Attack and Damage Rolls when performing an unarmed, improved weapon or thrown attack. You can also add +1 to Strength or Constitution. Available to all classes at level 4.


All classes can use this from level 4. It increases Hit Points by 2 for each level.

War Caster

When using Concentration for a Spell, receive an Advantage to Saving Throws. Shocking Grasp can also be used as a reaction if a target is outside melee range. Available to all classes at level 4 but requires Spellcast.

Weapon Master

Increases Strength or Dexterity by 1, maxing out at 20, and allows you to choose four weapons to gain Proficiency in. Available to all classes at level 4.


Provide Proficiency with Musical Instruments and increases Charisma by 1, maxing out at 20.

Polearm Master

Available to all classes at level 4, it provides a bonus action when using a Glaive, Spear, Quarterstaff or Halberd and provides an Opportunity Attack for targets within range.


Available at level 4 for all classes, you can increase an Ability by 1, maxing out at 20, with Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma available. Depending on the Ability, you gain Proficiency in Saving Throws for the same.

Ritual Caster

Choose two Ritual Spells to learn. Available to all classes at level 4, but Intelligence or Wisdom must be 13 or higher.

Savage Attacker

Available to all classes at level 4, it allows for rolling damage dice twice when performing attacks with weapons. The highest result will be used, thus increasing your chances for higher damaging attacks.

Best Traits

Traits are more like starting bonuses for different races and provide unique incentives when deciding on a character. Check out all of them below:

Base Racial Speed

Determines the distance you can move per turn. Gold Dwarves, Shield Dwarves, Lightfoot Halflings and Strongheart Halflings can only move 7.5 meters per turn. Otherwise, Humans, Githyanki, Tieflings and Drow move nine meters per turn.

Fleet of Foot

On the other hand, the Wood Elf and Wood Half-Elf can move 10.5 meters in a single turn, the most of any race, making them very mobile. Perfect for all kinds of builds, whether stealth, melee or ranged.

Mask of the Wild

Wood Elf and Wood Half-Elf also have Mask of the Wild, which grants a Proficiency to Stealth.

Dwarven Toughness

Though Gold Dwarves can’t move as far, they make for it with their resilience. This Trait increases your max Hit Points by one. It doesn’t seem like much but each subsequent level-up grants another Hit Point.

Naturally Stealthy

Lightfoot Halflings grant Proficiency in Stealth checks with this Trait, making it much easier to sneak around and not be discovered.

Strongheart Resilience

Gain Advantage on Saving Throws against Poison. You also resist Poison damage. Only available to Strongheart Halflings.

Artificer’s Lore

Your Proficiency bonus is added twice to History checks. Available to Rock Gnomes.

Draconic Ancestry

Available to Dragonborn, choosing a specific heritage (determined by red, blue, brass, black, bronze, copper, gold, green, silver and white colors) will provide different elemental resistances and your Breath Weapon.


It provides Proficiency in the Intimidation Skill. Available only for Half-Orcs.

Gnome Cunning

Available for Deep Gnomes, Forest Gnomes, and Rock Gnomes, it provides an Advantage to Intelligence, Charisma and Wisdom Saving Throws.

Psionic Fortitude

Duergar Gnomes have this Trait, which provides an Advantage to Saving Throws made when trying to avoid or end conditions like Stunned or Charmed.

Savage Attack

Half-Orcs can deal some nasty damage thanks to this Trait. It allows for rolling a Damage dice one additional time when scoring a Critical Hit with a melee weapon attack and then adding that as extra damage to the Crit.

Stone Camouflage

Available for Deep Gnomes only, it provides an Advantage on Stealth checks.

Relentless Endurance

Instead of dying when suffering fatal damage, you survive with 1 Hit Point. It triggers once per Long Rest and is available only to Half-Orcs.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is available for PC – check out our review here. It’s coming to PS5 on September 6th.

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