Larian Studios is known for its massive role-playing games, but Baldur’s Gate 3 goes above and beyond expectations. Touted as lasting 75 to 100 hours on a standard playthrough, with a two million word script and over 174 hours of cinematics, not to mention tons of ways to replay, it’s looking to be the most epic rendition of Dungeons and Dragons yet.
Baldur’s Gate 3 launches on August 3rd for PC and September 6th for PS5. Of course, it’s also been available in Steam Early Access for some time. What’s changing, and what can players who bought into the pre-launch version, either now or several years prior, expect in the full release? Let’s look at 15 changes, ranging from big to small.
Origin Characters
Available only as AI companions in early access, players can finally control Origin characters. Like previous Larian titles, these are pre-made characters with dedicated stories, voice acting and more. In Baldur’s Gate 3, your options include Shadowheart, Gale, Lae’zel, Astarion, Wyll, Karlach and The Dark Urge, each with different objectives and personalities, reacting differently to things.
Unlike in early access, where you try to ascertain each character’s purpose, playing as them puts a new spin on interactions. For example, instead of trying to discover Shadowheart’s secret, playing as her means deciding when to reveal it to your fellow party members. Depending on the trust built with allies, the results could vary.
Wyll Rewritten
Speaking of Origin characters, Wyll, the Blade of Frontiers, has been redone. Larian confirmed that it rewrote “pretty much every line of dialogue” and changed his story “a lot.” Described as having a complicated story, he goes in different directions “much earlier” and now has some connection to Karlach. More specifically, he wants to kill Karlach. However, he can also choose not to, and go down a different path, maybe even becoming friends with her. Based on hands-on impressions, Wyll seems more interesting, but we’ll see how his story pans out in the full release.
The Dark Urge
The Dark Urge is the seventh Origin character and a unique entity in Larian’s games. Though the character has an Origin story and default appearance, you can fully customize their class and appearance. It’s also an avenue for a completely evil playthrough. While The Dark Urge has lost their memory, a voice constantly pushes them to commit murder. That voice is Sceleritas Fel, who wants The Dark Urge to return to their gruesome ways. On the other hand, you can choose not to be evil and fight against the desire at every turn. The Dark Urge’s identity and role in the plot should be interesting, especially for those who played Blood in Baldur’s Gate, the free narrative browser title.
New Subclasses for Existing Classes
Baldur’s Gate 3 will have 12 classes at launch and 46 subclasses in total. Each class from early access is getting at least one new subclass, and some are very interesting. Aside from the Gloom Stalker Ranger, the Wild Magic Barbarian, the Champion Fighter, the Vengeance Paladin, and much more are available. Each puts an interesting spin on the class’s traditional play style and meshes further with multiclassing.
Multiclassing and Respeccing
We’ve mentioned it before, but multiclassing adds a new dimension to character building. You’re restricted to a single class and subclass in early access. However, in the full release, you can put points into others, gaining their abilities and perks to create powerful combinations. There are no stat requirements, and an NPC in Act 1 will let you respec freely, allowing you to return to level 1 and change proficiencies, stats and more.
Character Creation Options and New UI
Whether you’re creating a character or going the Origin route, the character creation UI has been revamped, and there are many new options for customization, like freckles, heterochromia, scars, and Strong body types. Each class has a little animation that plays when selected, briefly showcasing what they’re about. It’s a nice touch and helps give some more personality to each.
Acts 2 and 3
Early access players have only had Act 1 to play through, even as new content was added over the years. In the final release, Acts 2 and 3 will be available, completing the story and providing about 75 to 100 hours in a standard playthrough. Those used to the older games’ style of chapters should take note since some points are good for taking a breather. As director and CEO Swen Vincke explained to IGN, “There will be moments where you can say, ‘You know what? I’ll stop here and try something else,’ and then I’ll pick it up again. It’s big enough.”
Act 1 Changes and New Content
Act 1, as it exists today, isn’t one-and-done. Vincke confirmed last December that a “lot of stuff” is being added to the first Act, and in recent hands-on impressions, it was revealed that 33 percent of the content was new or changed in the final game. Whether it’s new sections or intros for characters, there’s more for players to pick through.
Uncommon and Epic Items
In early access, much of the loot consisted of armor that gave +1 to stats, and you won’t discover much by way of higher rarities. However, that changes quickly in the final game when you reach Act 2. As reported by Fextralife in their hands-on impression, you discover more Uncommon and Epic items, with vendors presenting different options. Some are even race-specific, which provides many more build-crafting options.
What would any role-playing game be without Legendary Items? As the highest rarity loot (that we know of currently) in Baldur’s Gate 3, only a few are available. While details weren’t revealed by those who went hands-on, they’re powerful and hard to find, encouraging you to go out of your way and find them.
What should you do with all those herbs, plants and monster parts? Alchemy is probably the answer. As a new crafting system, it allows players to throw materials in and create potions, oils for coating weapons, poison and much more. In addition to Elixirs like Elixir of Arcane Cultivation, Elixir of Vigilance and the usual resistances, you can also craft Web Grenades and Alchemist’s Fire.
Keychain and Camp Supply Pouch
Among the quality-of-life changes is a Keychain, where all your keys are collected. Go to your inventory, click on it, and access them without digging through everything else. There’s also a Camp Supply Pack, which stores Supply Items, though it’s unknown whether food items can go here or not). Both changes make inventory management, especially as time goes on, that much easier.
Combat Changes
In addition to all the spells, actions, Feats, subclasses and whatnot, several changes to combat are also coming. As WolfheartFPS revealed in his hands-on impressions, there’s a visual above a character’s head when shoving, and whether the roll succeeded. Furthermore, you can no longer hide when in the enemy’s “threatened” zone. Plenty of other changes are also likely, though we’ll need to get our hands on the full game to see them all.
Want to fill a particular role in your party, maybe replace the recently deceased? You can hire custom NPCs, called Hirelings, to fill out party slots. They have unique backgrounds, names and designs, though they’re nowhere near as intricate as the Origin characters. Regardless, if you go on a killing spree as The Dark Urge and want some fresh meat – er, new party members, Hirelings are the solution.
Free Digital Deluxe Upgrade for Early Access Players
One nice little bonus for early access players is a free upgrade to the Digital Deluxe Edition. It includes extras like a dice skin, the Treasures of Rivellon Pack, an Adventurer’s Pouch, digital character sheets, a digital art book and the digital OST. Unfortunately, unlike Deluxe Edition owners on PS5, you do not get a 72-hour head start. It’s a shame, but PC players are getting the game almost a month earlier than planned.