There have been little to no updates on Bayonetta 3 since its announcement in 2017, other than PlatinumGames giving repeated assurances that it’s progressing well, and recently, Hideki Kamiya once again reiterated that the game’s production is progressing nicely.
Speaking in an interview with VGC, Kamiya said that the game hasn’t been cancelled. Saying that Platinum are still hard at work on the game, Kamiya stated that people should take any concerns about a possible cancellation of the game and “throw them out the window immediately.”
“I’m on Twitter so I see a lot of comments every day,” Kamiya said. “I’m happy that there’s still anticipation for the title, but one thing I would like to address is the trend I’m seeing which is people who are starting to ask if the game has been cancelled. I want you guys to take any concerns you have like that and throw them out the window immediately because we’re still hard at work on it and it hasn’t been cancelled by any means. Please look forward to it!”
Just over the last few months, PlatinumGames have given assurances about Bayonetta 3’s development multiple times. In December, Kamiya said that development was going well, before reiterating those statements the very next month. About a couple of months ago, Platinum’s studio head Atsushi Inaba echoed those statements. How long it will be before Platinum and Nintendo share any new updates on the upcoming Switch action title remains to be seen, but we can all at least rest assured for now that the game is still very much in active development.