Capcom’s seen an incredible resurgence in recent years. In 2017, they brought Resident Evil back on track with Resident Evil 7, which was followed by the excellent (and incredibly successful) Monster Hunter World the following year. Meanwhile, earlier this year, they delivered a one-two punch of the excellent remake of Resident Evil 2, and an impressive franchise revival with Devil May Cry 5, both of which have sold impressive figures since launch.
And they have no intentions of slowing down. Not only are they going to keep investing in their top IPs, the success of Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5 has also led to Capcom deciding to focus more on similar remakes and revivals of dormant IPs, which the publisher confirmed in its recent integrated annual report.
Rumours of a remake of Resident Evil 3 have been afloat for a while now, and it seems like it’s only a matter of time before Capcom officially announces that, but what’s interesting is that they’re looking to revitalize dormant franchises as well, of which Capcom has quite a few. A Dino Crisis revival has been in demand for quite some time- could that actually be on the cards, in light of Capcom’s new strategy? One can only hope.