Kixeye CEO Will Harbin says Zynga is "bleeding top talent" and ignoring its problems in favour of legal recourse.
For $1 million
Actually pretty reasonable
Looks interesting
Sure, that makes a lot of sense.
And now for something completely different.
If you don't, Activision will neuter you.
Honestly, is there anything Back in Black doesn't sound great with?
But elementary, dear gamers.
Oh, how the mighty hath fallen.
Looks pretty good.
Return to the dominion of Hell with id Software's remastered edition.
Remember a few months back when EA announced that its BioWare developed Star Wars MMO, The Old Republic was going free to play? Well, the restrictions that will be implemented onto players whic... Read More
"Original programming and specials centered around some of the most exciting upcoming titles."
Statement released.
Declassified indeed.
"Difficult but fair."
PS Vita waits for its turn too.