It looks like Crackdown 3 might actually be nearing its long awaited release. The game, which was announced all the way back in 2014 (after first being teased in 2013!), which has had multiple separate studios work on it over the course of its development, which has had numerous delays… it looks like it might finally be nearing the end of the line.
Microsoft has announced a February 2019 release date for Crackdown 3, of course, but they’ve previously announced release dates for the game, only for it to be delayed anyway. That said, the game has now showed up on the Australian game ratings board, complete with a description describing “strong violence”. Given that games aren’t submitted to ratings boards until they are near completion and release (since ratings and certification cost quite a bit of money), I think this is indication that the game may actually make its release this time around.
Crackdown 3 is due out on the Xbox One, along with Windows 10 PCs, on February 22, 2019. The game will also be playable at X018 later this month, which of course is another indication that this time, the game may actually be nearing the end of its protracted development for real.