Ever since CD Projekt RED first announced a couple of years ago that Cyberpunk 2077 would be a strictly first person game with not even an option third person camera settings, there’s been a large amount of people who’ve expressed their disappointment with that choice. Of course, it was only a matter of time following the game’s launch before modders took matters into their own hands, and that’s exactly what happened.
A video uploaded by Cineagle shows a mod of Cyberpunk 2077 running the game in a third person over the shoulder perspective, to give you a glimpse of what it could have looked like. The video itself only shows V moving and jogging around, and the animation looks decent enough, though there’s no footage showing how combat looks in third person view. Anyway, it’s interesting enough to get a glimpse at this regardless, so take a look below.
Cyberpunk 2077 is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia for those who don’t mind playing first person games. That said, the game is far from stable on both PS4 and Xbox One (to the extent that it’s been flat-out delisted on PSN), so maybe hold off on purchasing the game on consoles for the time being.
Recently, a hotfix for the game was released on all platforms. Head on over here to see what it fixes. CDPR might also be facing a lawsuit over the game’s problematic launch- read more on that through here.