Cyberpunk 2077, probably the most anticipated game of the year, is making its rounds around the various rating boards. As you’d expect, it’s getting the mature ratings everywhere, which we all expected at this point. Its most recent came from the ESRB, which of course awarded it a M rating, and it’s description caught a lot of people’s attention. Mostly because it confirmed that, yes, you can edit your character’s genitals which I’m sure many will have far too much fun with.
However, there was something else in there that also caught some eyes in a different way: the mention of “in-game purchases.” This lead some to wonder if the game would have some form of microtransactions that’s we’re not aware of, yet. Fear not, it seems to just be a new policy surrounding the phrase.
Twinfinite reached out to developer CD Projekt RED who dispelled worries, saying that a relatively new policy of the ESRB is to label any games that may have expansions as having “in-game purchases.” Since we already know DLC expansions are planned for 2077, there you go. The company has actually talked about the lack of microtransactions going all the way back to 2017, so it seems nothing has changed.
Cyberpunk 2077 will release September 17th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Stadia. A reveal event called “Night City” is also scheduled to be June 11th.