This month is going to be quite the feast for Switch owners. We’ve got a lot of variety in releases spread out through the month, meaning those jumping onto the Switch Lite are going to have plenty to play. One such example is Daemon X Machina, the old school mecha title coming to Nintendo’s hybrid, and it’s got a launch trailer all about war ahead of release.
The trailer comes via Marvelous, and sets the backdrop for the game as mankind’s bloody history of war. Featuring quotes from various historical generals, such as Julius Ceasar, it frames the game’s narrative around humanity’s desire for war. If you can’t read or understand Japanese, no worries, there’s plenty of robots smashing into each other for you to enjoy without the need for context.
Daemon X Machina launches for Nintendo Switch on September 13th. To get a good grasp on what the overall gameplay structure of the mecha title is like, take a look through here.