Exotic vendor Xur has returned to The Tower in Bungie’s Destiny 2, carrying some old and new Exotics. Considering how prevalent one of these items is in Crucible, it’d be strange if you didn’t own it by now. Regardless, you can pick up these items before the next weekly refresh.
Among the Exotic Gear that Xur is carrying are St0mp-EE5 (Hunter boots), One-Eyed Mask (Titan Helm), and Chromatic Fire (Warlock chest), each for 23 Legendary Shards. If it wasn’t obvious already, pick up the One-Eyed Mask. It’s incredibly strong for PvP, marking the enemy that damages you and providing overshield and extra damage after they’re killed.
The Exotic weapon this week is the Vigilance Wing, a five-burst shot pulse rifle that buffs your handling speed and recovery when you’re the last person alive in your team. Though by no means the best Crucible weapon, it’s still very competitive. Pick it up for 29 Legendary Shards before it’s too late.
In other news, Bungie is looking to patch a chest exploit in the Menagerie for Season of Opulence. You have until July 9th to farm the chest though.