Dragon’s Dogma 2 Trailer Highlights Fighter Vocation

Wield a sword and shield to block and counter against enemies or taunt them to draw aggro away from your Pawns in battle.

Posted By | On 08th, Feb. 2024

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Fighter

Capcom has released a short new Dragon’s Dogma 2 trailer, showcasing the Fighter Vocation in action. If you’ve played the original, much of this may look familiar, like parrying attacks with a shield, taunting nearby enemies and stinger-like stabs. Check it out below.

Perhaps the coolest part is the counter into a shield bash, followed by a combo on one of the larger enemies. Check out some more gameplay for the Vocation (and others) here. Unlike the previous game, players can discover different Maisters who provide new skills via “Maister’s Teachings” after bonding with them. Lennart is the Fighter Maister, though his skills have yet to be showcased.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 launches on March 22nd for PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. There should be more trailers on each Vocation over the coming weeks, so we can look forward to seeing the newer ones like the Mystic Spearhand, Warfarer and Trickster in action. Check out the latest trailer from Sony’s State of Play or learn more about the new Dragonsplague that Pawns can contract here.

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