In the midst of all the Fallout 76-related fiascos that have dominated the news in recent days and weeks, from Bethesda bizarrely and accidentally leaking private customer information to the prices of microtransactions of the game’s PS4 version going up in some places for some unknown reason, it’s good to see some good news coming out of the publisher as well, especially as we get into the thick of the Holiday season.
Bethesda has announced on Twitter than anyone who’s logged into the full release of Fallout 76 in 2018 will be receiving the Fallout Classic Collection in January. The Classic Collection, in case you’re wondering, includes three Fallout titles (all from the pre-Bethesda Fallout days). Namely, these are the original Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics. This will apply to all Fallout 76 players, across PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
Meanwhile, if you’re more concerned with Fallout in the here and now and are hoping for improvements to be made to Fallout 76, the first quarter of 2019 looks like it’s bringing some interesting stuff. A a new mode without PvP restrictions is primed to go live in the early months of 2019- read more on that through here.
— Bethesda (@bethesda) December 22, 2018
ANYONE who logged into the full release of #Fallout76 in 2018 will receive an entitlement for Fallout Classic Collection on PC. This applies to Xbox One and PS4 players, too.
The entitlement is expected to go live in early January.