Fallout 76 is less than two months away now, and though there hasn’t been any lack of information on the game thus far, we’re learning more and more about it every day. From its main story, to limited time events, to things like inventory management and loot, there’s been plenty of Fallout 76 related information to go around in the last few weeks, and now, we’ve got some more of it.
Pretty recently, we learned a bit about how sleeping would work in the game, and how it would provide stat bonuses to your character. Pete Hines of Bethesda has now confirmed on Twitter that making your character go to sleep and logging out of the game will be separate things, and that if you log off, your character will simply disappear from the world, even if you are asleep.
Additionally, Hines also talked a bit about how trading would work in the game in a separate tweet. In keeping with the freedom the game looks to be providing to basically play whatever role you want to play, if you take on the role of a trader, you can decide what prices you want to sell your goods to other players at. If you want, you can even choose to sell them for 0 caps. Get ready for some price wars, then.
Lastly, the official Twitter account of Fallout put an image of a rather unique looking weapon that will be included in Fallout 76. Called the Guitar Sword, it’s a – you guessed it – sword that looks like a guitar. And while that is interesting, what’s even more interesting is that the caption going along with the image confirms that the region that serves as Fallout 76’s setting is referred to as Appalachia. That’s interesting because though West Virginia, where Fallout 76 is supposed to be taking place, does fall in that region, it’s much, much larger than just that.
Fallout 76 launches on November 14 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
If they log off their character goes away. Even if they are asleep.
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) September 20, 2018
you decide whatever you want to charge for anything you trade/sell. also allows you to give folks things for free if you want to charge 0 Caps.
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) September 20, 2018
How does Appalachia differ from the Commonwealth or Capital Wasteland? It starts with a Guitar Sword. #Fallout76 pic.twitter.com/6PKTyHwREy
— Fallout (@Fallout) September 20, 2018