With its closed beta taking place in October, Bethesda has quite a lot to prove with Fallout 76. This will be the first fully-online title in the franchise and will see players either working together to survive/thrive or nuking each other into oblivion.
Since team play is a big part of the experience, it only makes sense to explain how experience points (XP) are distributed. The official Fallout Twitter explained that every member of a team that assists with killing an enemy will receive XP. However, the party member who dealt the killing blow will receive slightly more. That being said, no matter who killed the enemy, anyone is free to loot its corpse.
So if you happen upon a freshly killed monster or just want to avoid working with teams you don’t trust, there’s still some benefit. Furthermore, though waiting is no longer a thing, sleeping and being well rested will confer some bonuses, according to Bethesda senior VP of marketing Pete Hines. While said bonuses weren’t detailed, Hines did mention that sleeping could also be done because “Maybe you think your character is adorable and love to watch them sleep.”
Fallout 76 is out on November 14th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The upcoming beta will include the entire game for players to try out.
maybe you want the bonuses you can get from sleeping and being rested
maybe you think your character is adorable and love to watch them sleep
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) September 17, 2018