It’s been a while since Ubisoft announced Far Cry 6, but now, after some delays, the game is almost here. It promises to deliver the brand of open world mayhem that the series is known for, of course, but leveraging its central premise of fighting a guerrilla rebellion, it’s also looking to throw in a few interesting new ideas of its own. With its launch not far away, here, we’re going to talk about a few important details about Far Cry 6 that you should know about.
Far Cry 6 tells the story of a Yara, a fictional Caribbean nation inspired by Cuba and its history. Yara as been under the oppressive rule of Anton Castillo for years, but revolution us bubbling underneath the surface. Entirely cut off from the rest of the world for many, many years, Yara is a nation frozen in time, and under Castillo’s rule, people continue to suffer. Players will step into the shoes of Dani Rojas, a reluctant participating in a budding guerrilla revolution against Castillo’s regime, and become deeper embroiled in the attempt to overthrow the tyrant.
From Vaas Montenegro to Pagan Min, Far Cry has a history of propping its stories up with charismatic, memorable villains. With Giancarlo Esposito of Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and The Mandalorian fame playing primary protagonist Anton Castillo, Far Cry 6 looks set to follow in the footsteps of its predecessors- and perhaps even exceed them. In addition to Anton, though, his son Diego will also be an important part of the story. Though he is expected to follow in his father’s footsteps and lead Yara one day, the 13-year-old Diego has grown quite disillusioned with his father’s violent methods, and his relationship with Anton should be an interesting part of the story.
One crucial part of Anton Castillo’s master plan is Viviro, which is a revolutionary new cancer treatment that Castillo plans to use as a way to increase the global influence of Yara. His plans, however, involve aggressive expansion and relentless production, which has had terrible effects, from pollution to forced labour to the military misusing its powers and more. Sabotaging Castillo’s Viviro production and throwing a wrench in his plans will be an important part of the story as Dani looks to bring his regime down.
While Far Cry has de-emphasized its playable protagonists quite a bit in recent years, Far Cry 6 is shining quite a bit of the spotlight on its protagonist, Dani Rojas. Players can choose between Dani’s male and female versions, but either way, the protagonist is looking like a much more active participating of the story rather than an observer, with their own personality, motivations, backstory, and growth throughout the story. Of course, Far Cry 6 is also the first game in the series to feature third person cutscenes, and being able to see Dani during these key story movements is definitely a bonus.
Far Cry 6’s central guerrilla revolution premise bleeds into its gameplay in many ways, with the biggest being resolver- which is essentially a catch-all term for extensive customization options in the game. Players will be able to scrounge up materials and parts from the environment and create their own weapons, use different Supremo backpacks, and customize weapons with various different types of mods and ammo types. Interestingly enough, you will also be able to use resources to craft defenses for yourself, such as armour plating for your vehicle or a shield to use during combat.
Far Cry 6 is putting its co-op integration front and center. Ubisoft has confirmed that the entire campaign is playable in 2-player co-op. You can play with friends, of course, but public matchmaking will also be an option. Loot, XP, and progression will vary seamlessly across solo and co-op experiences. Meanwhile, all of the post-launch content – paid or otherwise – will also support 2-player co-op.
Far Cry 6 will see Dani travelling across all of Yara in an attempt to gather some momentum for the guerrilla revolution against the Castillo regime, which means you will be meeting different allies and groups throughout the story, each with their own unique backstories, arcs, and plotlines. Several of these have been briefly touched upon by Ubisoft so far, including the Monteros, a family of tobacco farmer with deep Yaran routes; the Legends of 67, a group of former guerrilla revolutionaries; Maximus Matanzas and La Moral, young groups fighting back against Castillo’s oppression;
One of several ways Far Cry 6 is using its central guerrilla motif for gameplay is with guerrilla camps, which can be found throughout Yara’s open world. These are secret camps tucked away in hidden corners where Dani and other members of the revolution meet to rest, plan their future moves, and gather things such as weapons, gear, vehicles, and more. Guerrilla camps, interestingly enough, will also be upgradable, and you can upgrade them to suit various different needs. Across the various guerrilla camps, you will be able to construct and upgrade various structures, such as barracks, weapons caches, and more.
Far Cry 6 is expanding upon its predecessors in various ways, but there is one feature that it’s going to be leaving out. Map editors have been in Far Cry games since their introduction in Far Cry 2, and the Arcade mode has become something of a fan-favourite, thanks to how robust those editing tools generally tend to be. In Far Cry 6, however, Arcade mode is not returning, with Ubisoft stating that they wanted to focus entirely on the game’s single player campaign.
Ubisoft has detailed its post-launch planned for Far Cry 6, and they’re quite extensive. There’s the paid content you’ll get through the Season Pass, of course, which includes three DLC episodes called Insanity, Control, and Collapse, which will launch in November, January, and March. Each will let you play as a villain from each of the previous Far Cry games, as you dive into the psyches of each antagonist in trippy scenarios. These episodes will also have a roguelike structure, with repeated runs, loot, progression, and more. Additionally, Season Pass owners will also get Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.
Meanwhile, there will also be plenty of free content additions. For starters, there will be three crossover events with their own missions. The first will see protagonist Dani Rojas teaming up with actor Danny Trejo, playing himself. The next two will be crossovers with Rambo and Stranger Things, though details on these are scant right now. The game will also have six Special Operations, which will be missions set in new areas that will task players with stealing highly unstable chemical weapons from weapons dealers working for Anton Castillo, and then safely getting to the extraction point. Two maps will be available at launch, with four more coming later. Finally, every week after Far Cry 6’s launch, those who’ve finished the campaign will also be able to track down and deal with new threats popping up all over Yara, which will reward you with new gear.
If you plan on playing Far Cry 6 on a PC, you’ll be glad to know that the game will offer various PC-specific features in what will hopefully be a properly optimized experience. Ubisoft has confirmed that the game’s PC version will support Ultrawide resolution, feature hybrid ray-traced reflections and shadows, uncapped frame rates, fully remappable controls, high refresh rates, adaptive resolution, various accessibility options, as well as a benchmark tool. Players will also be able to toggle various other visual settings, such as texture filtering, shadows, water, terrain, volumetric fog, and more.
Exactly what kind of a rig are you going to need if you do plan on playing Far Cry 6 on PC? For low settings (1080p at 30 FPS), you’ll need either a Ryzen 3 1200 or an i5-4460, along with either an RX 460 or a GTX 960, and 8 GB RAM. For high settings (1080p at 60 FPS), you’ll need either Ryzen 5 3600X or an i7-7700, along with either an RX Vega64 or a GTX 1080, and 16 GB of RAM. For ultra settings (1440p at 60 FPS), RAM requirements will be the same, but you’ll also need an Intel i7-9700 along with either an RX 5700XT or an RTX 2070 Super.
Far Cry 6 will also have two separate settings for playing the game with ray-tracing enabled. One setting will see ray-tracing enabled at 1440p and 60 FPS. It will require either a Ryzen 5 5600X or an i5-10600, along with either an RX 6900XT or an RTX 3070. Meanwhile, you can also play in 4K at 30 FPS with ray-tracing enabled, for which you will require either a Ryzen 7 5800X or an i7-10700k, along with either an RX 6800 or an RTX 3080. RAM requirements for both settings will be 16 GB.
Ubisoft has offered free next-gen upgrades for each of its major releases since PS5 and Xbox Series X/S launched, and that trend is going to continue for some time. Far Cry 6 will also support Smart Delivery on across Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, while those who purchase the game on PS4 will be able to upgrade to the PS5 version for free as well.