Square Enix has tweeted out gameplay clips showcasing three Summons that players can expect in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. They are the Chocobo Chick, Carbuncle and the legendary Cactuar. Check them out in the tweets below.
Some of these Summons have fairly useful abilities. Carbuncle seems to provide a barrier for the party while Cactuar is a nice DPS boost, attacking either a single target with its needles or shooting needles in a wide range. Though not as earth-shattering as, say, Ifrit, these Summons do provide decent support during battles.
Players will receive Materia for these Summons depending on the edition purchased. The Chocobo Chick will be available on pre-ordering any edition of the game so there’s at least that. Final Fantasy 7 Remake is out on April 10th for PS4 with reports indicating that it could take up over 100 GB of installation space. Stay tuned for further confirmation on this in the coming weeks.
— FINAL FANTASY VII (@finalfantasyvii) February 19, 2020
— FINAL FANTASY VII (@finalfantasyvii) February 19, 2020