Given that it’s adapting what was essentially a 5-6 hour-long section in the original game and turning it into a full-length Final Fantasy title, it goes with saying that Final Fantasy 7 Remake is going to expand on the game’s story in major ways. Square Enix themselves have spoken plenty of times about how the game will attempt to do that while still ensuring that it doesn’t change too many of the larger story beats from the original.
In a recent interview with Washington Post, producer Yoshinori Kitase spoke about that a bit more. While speaking about the way the game improves the original story, Kitase said that the addition of full voice acting and having characters be able to show proper facial expressions and emotions has been a huge boost, before also hinting that the remake could reveal “revelations” about characters and their personalities that are completely new additions to the story.
“The original game did not include any facial expressions or voice-overs, so we had no choice but to use the comic-like approach with exaggerated, full-body expressions,” Kitase said. “For the remake, detailed facial expressions and the wonderful voice acting contribute toward depicting the nuanced inner thoughts and emotions of the main characters. You may think you know Cloud and the other characters, but there could be revelations about their personalities that you may come to realize for the first time after 23 years.”
Final Fantasy 7 Remake is out for the PS4 on April 10. Reviews will start going live tomorrow, on April 6.
Make sure you have ample free space in your system’s storage, because it’s going to be a big one. Square Enix also released a pretty lengthy (and spoiler-filled) new trailer for the game- you can check it out through here.