It’s been five years since SOMA came out- five years since we’ve seen a new game from psychological horror connoisseurs Frictional Games. We do know that they’re working on something – they confirmed that they had two new projects in development as far back as 2017 – while they’ve also been teasing a new game of late. And while we’re still not quite at the point where we have concrete information on what’s going to be, it seems like they’re working their way up to it. The most recent development in this story is another cryptic new teaser trailer uploaded to the developer’s YouTube channel.
The trailer, titled simple “I am Tasi”, seems to be hinting at the kind of classic psychological horror the Amnesia developers have built up a reputation for over the years, while also showing some eerie looking environments. While it’s hard to decipher anything for certain from what’s been shown, it does seem to be giving off vibes very similar to SOMA.
If nothing else, it at least indicates that we’re another step closer to a proper reveal for whatever this game is going to be. Take a look below.