Gears 5 may be looking to shake up things a little with the franchise (as well as dropping half of the name in the process), but one thing that won’t change is that frantic multiplayer that’s beloved by fans. If anything, we’re getting more of it this go around. Earlier we got a Versus Multiplayer Tech Test for those that preordered the game or have a subscription to Game Pass. Now, though, the party is getting a little bigger.
Microsoft announced that the test will now be available to everyone with a Xbox Live Gold account. You will have to download the client, but once you do, even if you don’t have the game preordered or aren’t subbed to Game Pass, you can still get in on the action and chainsaw up some fools.
Gears 5 will release on September 10th for Xbox One and PC. For a look at what kind of microtransactions the game will have, you can take a look here.