Ghost of Tsushima launched yesterday after many years of anticipation, and by and large, it seems most people are enjoying it. The samurai action game has definitely struck a cord with a lot of people, and it shows in how well the game has already sold.
Via the official PlayStation Twitter, it was announced that the game has already sold-through 2.4 million copies in the first three days on the market. This makes it the fastest selling new original PlayStation IP ever, beating Horizon: Zero Dawn that saw 2.6 million sales in two weeks. The game reportedly had strong sales on both the UK and Japanese charts, so while it may not be a huge surprise, it is a great achievement for Sucker Punch.
Ghost of Tsushima is available now exclusively for the PlayStation 4. You can check out what the critics are saying about the best-selling game with the game’s accolades trailer through here, or read our own review through here.
Ghost of Tsushima is now PS4's fastest selling first-party original IP debut with more than 2.4 million units sold through globally in its first 3 days of sales.
Congratulations @SuckerPunchProd, and thank you to fans around the world for taking part in Jin's journey.
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) July 24, 2020