IO Interactive rebooted Hitman earlier this year with the excellent episodic series that they just concluded the first season of recently. The Hitman episodes have been an unmitigated critical success, definitely, and they have clearly done well enough for IO Interactive to confirm a second season for the game– but has the new game actually been a sales success?
According to IO Interactive creative director Christian Elverdam, yes it has. Speaking to TechCrunch, Elverdam said that while he couldn’t share numbers, the developer was pleased with how Hitman had done. “We feel like Hitman is a success. We can’t talk about that too much specifically. We’re pretty happy.”
He also revealed that people were jumping into the game throughout the first season, rather than interest spiking during the first episode, and then sort of petering out from there. “In general, it’s been going on the entire season. One of the advantages of building a game that is live is that there are many entry points to jump into the game. Also we’re still continuing to release elusive targets and escalation contracts. I think we’ve managed to create a game with many starting points and I can also see that in how people buy it.”
I really enjoy Hitman from everything that I have played of it, so this news certainly makes me happy. Hitman is available on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.