Sony has surprised people with confirmations of several games being cross-gen games rather than PS5 exclusives, including the likes of God of War: Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7, and, of course, Horizon Forbidden West. Many have brought up concerns about whether or not that will end up hampering design ambitions- and though it remains to be seen exactly how true it is, we can at least be assured that from a performance perspective, the PS5 version of the game isn’t going to be making any sacrifices.
In a recent interview with Julien Chièze (which you can watch in its entirety below), Guerrilla Games confirmed that Horizon Forbidden West will feature a Performance Mode on the PS5, which will allow players to play the game in 60 FPS.
That raises the question of what resolutions the game will be targeting across different graphics modes, and whether there will be any ray-tracing support, but it’s still good to know that 60 FPS is going to be an option. After all, in a fast-paced action game like this one, better performance can be crucial.
Meanwhile, Guerrilla Games have also provided details on the new Valor Surges mechanic and the completely overhauled skill tree in the game. Read more on that through here.
Horizon Forbidden West is in the works for PS5 and PS4. Sony says the game’s development is on track, and though a 2021 launch is currently the plan, that isn’t quite certain just yet.