So, Resident Evil 6 came out a while back, and it kind of sucked really badly, representing a further downhill slide for the franchise that peaked back with Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube in 2005. But now, Capcom might be getting ready to announce a new entry in its biggest franchise, Rely On Horror is reporting.
This is based on the vaguest of all speculation, really- so vague that it’s a really big stretch, but Capcom has just opened up a retrospective Resident Evil app on the franchise’s official Facebook page. Companies do this sort of thing all the time, but usually when the series is hitting one of two major milestones- either something like a notable anniversary (tenth, twenty fifth, and so on), or when a new product in that same line is about to be released. So is Capcom gearing up to announce a new Resident Evil? Maybe for Xbox One and PS4? And maybe this time, it will actually manage to not suck so much?
These, and others, are questions to which we have no answers yet.