Among the many big releases next month, if not the entire year is Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Insomniac’s long-awaited follow-up to the 2018 superhero title is coming to PS5 on October 20th. However, leaks could occur if someone obtains a retail copy early (which has happened with major releases in the past), so the developer is warning players of spoilers.
It tweeted, “As we approach launch, #SpiderMan2PS5 spoilers may start to appear online… We worked hard to craft a story PACKED with surprises, so tread carefully and be mindful of posting spoilers.” So if you received a copy early and get to play the game, that’s fine, but Insomniac hopes you won’t spoil it for everyone else.
Despite lasting about as long as the first game, the world of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is roughly twice the size. The story also features Peter Parker and Miles Morales as playable characters, each with unique skill trees and a shared skill tree. The former also gets new Symbiote powers, though Venom is already confirmed to appear as a villain along with Kraven and Lizard.
Head here for more details on the game’s accessibility features. You can also check out Insomniac’s partial Trophy list here.