Metroid Dread is out now, and clearly, the game was well worth the nearly two-decade long wait. Samus’ return has been widely praised by critics and audiences alike, and sales, too, have been unusually high for a Metroid title, with Dread having enjoyed record-breaking debuts in both the UK and Japan. No game is perfect though, and Metroid Dread, too, has a few rough edges.
For instance, there’s a progress-blocking bug close to the end of the game that triggers if you destroy a door while a map marker for that specific door is displayed on the map. If this happens, your game will crash, and you will get the following message: “The software was closed because an error occurred.”
Nintendo is very much aware of this bug, and as the publisher shared on Twitter, a fix for this bug is being worked on and will be out by the end of this month. While it’ll be a few days until the patch to fix this is out, Nintendo has explained a method to work around this issue until then, if you do run into it- simply make sure you remove the door icon map marker.
Metroid Dread is out now for the Nintendo Switch. In addition to selling well itself, the launch of the game has also caused a sales boost for other Metroid games on other Nintendo platforms. Read more on that through here.
The game’s certainly worth all the success it is seeing. In our review, we awarded it a score of 10/10, saying, “Metroid Dread is a superlative return to one of the medium’s stalwart franchises, and an incredible triumph of design.” You can read our full review through here.
A bug has been found in #MetroidDread that can prevent players from progressing under a certain condition. A patch will be released by the end of October to fix this. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Learn more, including how to avoid the bug:
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) October 15, 2021