The final Title Updates for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak are now available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4 and PS5. Title Update 4 adds Velkhana from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, while Title Update 5 offers Amatsu, the Looming Calamity, from Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. The Bonus Update introduces a tougher variant of Malzeno, Primordial Malzeno.
Each monster offers unique weapons and different gear sets with new game-changing Skills. Other new content includes new Anomaly Research Quests for Risen Shagaru Magala and Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax. Anomaly Investigations go up to level 300, and you can access new items at the Anomaly Research Lab or dabble in new weapon crafting features.
There are also Special Investigations for players who want more challenges and new Event Quests to earn emotes, layered armor and more. The Bonus Update is the final update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Capcom hasn’t confirmed the next title in the series, so stay tuned for any future announcements.