Capcom’s latest title update for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is finally available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It signals the arrival of Alatreon, the Blazing Black Dragon that can command every single element (yes, including Water). Players will need to be Master Rank 24 or higher and have completed the Safi’jiiva Recon Assignment to receive this Special Assignment.
Being MR24 likely won’t be enough, sadly, Alatreon is capable of changing elemental attributes on the fly, which means you’ll need elements to counteract them. There’s also Escaton Judgment, a powerful move that can down multiple Hunters at once unless you stop it. The reward for defeating Alatreon is new armor and weapons, the former having a bonus that adds any elemental defense stats to your weapon’s elemental attack stat.
Other content coming in the following weeks including the Sizzling Spice Fest with new armor sets, Layered Armor, Palico Gear and Weapon Pendants to earn. It will start on July 22nd and end on August 6th. There’s also Frostfang Barioth, a Tempered variant of the monster that can inflict Frostbind with its breath attack. Its event quest will be available from August 7th to 19th.