Monster Hunter World is Capcom’s most successful game of all time, with over 12 million copies sold, but as it turns out, PC had a large part to play in making it that successful. Speaking with, Capcom’s EMEA and UK marketing director Antoine Molant noted that PC had been extremely important for the game’s success—that, in fact, Monster Hunter World’s second strongest platform was PC.
“Without getting into details, it’s the second biggest one for Monster Hunter World amongst all platforms, therefore incredibly important,” he said.
Molant talked about how exactly PC had helped Monster Hunter World, noting that the platform’s popularity in European regions had helped boost the profile of the game in those markets more than just being exclusive to consoles would have. He also pointed out that the later release of Monster Hunter World on PC led to an exclusive marketing cycle for that version, which in turn boosted its chances of success further.
“While we always try to treat our various audiences the same way, the Monster Hunter World console versions were the lead platforms, and PC had to be released at a later date,” he said. “This actually helped as the PC version has had its own window for promotion, PR, marketing. Some countries like Germany or Russia also performed extremely well on the PC front. All of this really increased our success in Europe.”
It’s good to hear how well Monster Hunter has done on PC, then, because this bodes well for the series’ future on the platform. Presumably, Capcom will make it a priority to ensure that PC versions aren’t delayed as much going forward- their recent statements certainly seem to suggest that. Monster Hunter World is out now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.