If there’s one thing that NetherRealm Studios’ Mortal Kombat 11 is full of, it’s currencies. Koins, Soul Fragments, Time Krystals, Hearts, Skip Fight Tokens – there’s so much to keep track of on top of all the gear, Augments and Konsumables. Don’t worry though – there are three main currencies to grind towards in-game and they each serve different functions. Let’s take a look at how to easily farm Koins, Soul Fragments and Hearts.
NetherRealm Studios will also be issuing a patch in the next few days to increase the amount of rewards gained from activities. So if you’re planning to grind out currencies in the Towers of Time, you might want to hold off since rewards will be increased there. A free currency bundle of 500,000 Koins, 500 Hearts, 1000 Soul Fragments and 1000 Time Krystals is also coming with the patch so keep an eye out for that.
Koins are a big deal in Mortal Kombat 11. They’re used for many of the chests in the Krypt. Koins are especially important for unlocking the Character Towers of Time which will provide gear and cosmetics for specific characters.
The quickest way to earn Koins is to head straight into the Krypt and open up the first two chests for a total of 100,000 Koins and 200 Hearts. After that, head into the Towers of Time and complete the initial Tutorial Towers for even more Koins.
Otherwise there are numerous other ways to earn Koins. You get them for performing different actions like Kounters in combat or by simply breaking pots and Meteors in the Krypt. They’re also offered as Performance Rewards in the Towers of Time upon earning a specific number of points, completing Daily Challenges (just make sure to claim them after the challenge is done) and even beating Klassic Towers.
You can also head into Story Mode and complete that since it will dole out a decent number of Koins. It also doesn’t hurt that you can set the difficulty of Story Mode and just cruise through it in a few hours. You could also customize an AI Fighter (accessible through the Characters tab in Kustomize) and set them to run through easier Towers of Time for quick Koin farming. They’ll net over 300 coins with each victory on top of the Performance Rewards. AI Battles will also dole out some decent items along with Koins and Soul Fragments with other rewards earned daily with five wins.
Soul Fragments
Soul Fragments are represented by green orbs. You get 10 Soul Fragments for winning a match in any mode. They’re also earned in the Towers of Time as Performance Rewards. As with many currencies, farming them with the AI Fighters is key. However, in this case, you want to specifically go into AI Battles.
Prep a team of three AI characters who will face another player’s team in this mode. They’ll duke it out while you do something else. The main advantage to AI Battles is that they can be sped up by 4x, thus making them easy to breeze through. Certain skins are also unlocked in this mode so it’s definitely putting a team together. Soul Fragments are used for special chests in the Krypt, which are presented by green glowing cages. They can also open up other sections for exploration.
You’ve probably noticed a currency next to Koins and Soul Fragments that keeps increasing by 1 or 2 after each fight. Those are Hearts and they’re earned by performing Fatalities and Brutalities respectively. Hearts are also earned as Performance Rewards in the Towers of Time.
You also get Hearts by opening chests in the Krypt though there’s a small chance of the same. Upon obtaining Scorpion’s Spear, you can go to certain locations in the Krypt to chain down bodies and receive Hearts from them as well. Another easy way to farm Hearts is by putting your AI Fighter to work in some relatively easy Towers. They’ll almost always finish a match with a Fatality and Brutality. Rake in the Hearts accordingly.
Along with opening specific chests in the Krypt, Hearts are also sometimes used in the Forge for crafting. Keep a fair few handy in case there’s a particular item you want.