Mortal Kombat 11 has been getting updated with various patches since its release last month. The large part of those has been to address the game’s super grindy in-game economy, one of the game’s biggest criticisms (you can read about it in our review). But there has been some other issues as well, particularly with the PC version.
Many PC players have found that certain actions are locked to 30 FPS for whatever reason. The menus and other non-combat actions, such as Fatalities and Fatal Blows, are locked, despite the game’s core gameplay not being so. Now it seems the PC port handler, QLOC, is looking to change that.
In a post on Reddit about the last patch notes, the developers say they’ve heard the complaints and are now working on a solution to unlock the framerate to 60 for the entire game. They don’t give a time frame, but they seem to be working on it at the very least. PC players are definitely thirsting for it, as a mod that already does that is out there, and actually got redone once the last patch broke the first version.
Mortal Kombat 11 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.